This classic favorite holiday dish is elevated with smokey aromas when cooked over wood flames.
Quarter cut 3-4 medium yams/sweet potatoes and roast them in the BBQ at 350 until soft all the way through. Takes about an hour.
Peel and discard the skins and place the potatoes in large mixing bowl.
Add ¼ cup of butter, a shot of vanilla, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, ¼ cup of heavy cream, ½ teaspoon of salt and crack one egg. Mix until smooth.
Roll out your favorite pie crust on parchment or a sheet of pre-made puff pastry (as we did here).
Fill the centre of the pastry with the sweet potato filling and fold pastry edges up over the top of the filling to close in all sides.
Place on pre-heated grill at 400 degrees, in indirect heat, for 30-40 minutes, until the crust is looking browned and flaky and the top of the pie filling starts to brown slightly.
At this point you can top with the classic white marshmallows and let heat until they have browned OR plop on some fresh meringue made simply by whipping egg whites and sugar and bake until puffed up and browned. Should only take a few minutes